‘Open Letter to Billie Eilish’ CoralWatch and the reefs around the world need your help. Would you help us in our new ‘Come Join our Watch’ campaign? Please watch and share our ‘Open Letter to Billie Eilish’ and help us create more awareness about this beautiful but diminishing part of our earth. There are solutions, we can do it, but we need everyone, not just scientists and politicians, to help. If you love the Great Barrier Reef, like we do, PLEASE SHARE! If you love Billie Eilish, PLEASE SHARE! Our hope is that if she sees this, she’ll lend us her music, her beautiful song “Ocean Eyes”, to spread the word and encourage more people to care for one of the crowning jewels in the ocean, coral reefs. YOU CAN COME JOIN OUR WATCH too by liking our Facebook, Instagram and twitter pages. But most of all today – please share this request to Billie. We love her music, we love the reef, let’s get the two together!