Marine Ecosystems

Year 7 Lesson plan – Science

Lesson Outline

  • Australian curriculum v8.4.
  • Incl: 23 classroom worksheets, 10 field activities
  • Teacher guidelines, answer key
  • Topics: classification, food web, rhythm and flow, and the water cycle

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Individual worksheets

C1 – Observable features of organisms and dichotomous keys
C2 – Classifying corals using a dichotomous key
C3 – Identifying coral types

First Nations Classification resources

Investigating classification systems used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and how they differ with respect to approach and purpose from those used by contemporary science.

Developed by Vanessa Heggie, The University of Queensland.


Food webs

Individual worksheets

FW1 – Introduction to food webs
FW2 – Marine food webs
FW3 – Corals: producer or consumer?
FW4 – Measuring coral health using virtual reef booklets
FW5 – Measuring coral health using virtual reef poster
FW6 – Measuring coral health – interpreting real data
FW7 – Altered food webs: farming and sediment runoff

First Nations Food webs resources

Responses to Invasive Species and their Impact: An integration of Science and Indigenous Perspectives

Developed by Stacy Ruthenberg, The University of Queensland.